Happy Fathers Day =)

Tetiba plak ak leh trpk yg hari ni hari bapa en?...Mmg tarikh hari bapa x tetap macam tarikh hari guru...tarikh merdeka...pastu ak wat la searching sket pasai hari bapa..ni yg wikipedia tulis..

"Father's Day is a day honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in 55 of the world's countries and on other days elsewhere. It complements Mother's Day, the celebration honoring mothers. It is a widely known celebration."
-Petikan dari Wikipedia-

So that means Fathers Day tahun ni jatoh pada hari ni..20 Jun 2010...tapi ak masih trtanya2..apa signifikan nyer Fathers Day ni selain takat nk menghargai pengorbanan jasa bapa? X kan la satu hari je nk menghargai jasa pengorbann bapa?Abis ari2 yg len leh r lupakan jasa mereka?...So kat sini ak x berapa nk setuju r dengan tujuan Hari Bapa ni disambutkan..same goes to Hari Ibu..Hari Guru...supposedly tiap2 hari n tiap2 masa r kita kene menghargai jasa2 mereka..

Tapi, ak un x nk ketinggalan sambut hari bapa nie..hehe...so ak nk amik kesempatan ni nk ucapkan..SELAMAT HARI ABAH(ske ati ak r nk ucap apa..da ak panggil dia ABAH..ak x panggil dia BAPA..haha) kpd ABAH ku...MAAROF BIN AZIZ...Thx for being a wonderful father to us...we luv you ABAH...=)


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